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Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Complete 7 Volumes Free Download pdf.

 Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Complete 7 Volumes  Free Download pdf.

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Complete 7 Volumes  Free Download pdf.

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Complete 7 Volumes  Free Download pdf.

Tareekh-e-Tabri Complete 7 Volumes Written by Allama Abu Jafar Muhammad barrel Jareer Al- Tabri. The literal background of Tabari is the primary genuine and significant history of Islam without which no set of gests of Islam would be finished. Its creator is Imam Abu Ja' far Ibn Jarir Tabari who passed on in 310 AH. This set of gests has the situation with Umm Al- Kitab, to that end the experimenters have allowed

 about this book as the source. 

 And each latterly Islamic accounts contain references to Tabari. Every one of the popular empirical books, for illustration, Tareekh Ibn Khaldun, Tareekh Ibn Kathir, Tarikh Abul Fada' and so on are gotten from it. The creator has portrayed every one of the occasions from colorful customs of bystanders. 
Prior this book was in the Arabic language, yet understanding its handiness, it was converted into Urdu language and distributed in seven volumes. The craft are as per the following 
 In the top volume, from the product of the macrocosm to the preface of the Prophet, the occasions of the Prophets and the countries are portrayed. From the preface of the earth and the sky and the product of Adam to the preface of the Prophet Muhammad, the circumstances and occasions of the different prophets and their countries and lords. 

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu 

 Volume II portrays what's going on from the Holy Prophet to the alternate Caliph Hazrat Umar. In this volume, every one of the craft of the favored actuality of the Prophet( harmony and bents of Allah arrive) have been described through a total chain of evidence up to the true and unique fibbers. This is the interesting history that has been the solid and definitive wellspring of Sira Mubarak from antiquated times to current times. All bibliopegists of Islamic history have served from it. 

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu 

 Volume III portrays the occasions from the Caliphate of Umar to the fourth Caliph Hazrat Ali. Volume IV arrangements with the circumstance from Hazrat Amir Muawiyah to Sulaiman vessel Abdul Malik. The occasions of Hazrat Umar vessel Abdul Aziz to Khalifa Hadi are described in VolumeV. also, Volume VI contains the total history of the Abbasid Caliphate from the hour of Caliph Haroon Al- Rasheed to the hour of Caliphate Wasiq. The last part, Volume 7, contains the time of decline of the Baghdad Caliphate, where an itemized and complete history of the time of the Abbasid Caliphate from the Caliph Jafar Al- Mutawakil to the Caliph Muhammad Al- Muhtadi is recorded. 

Tareekh e Tabri Urdu 

Islamic history book" Tareekh e Tabri" 7 volumes are presently accessible on Pakistan virtual library in a great Pdf record for the disquisition of our guests. Look at the accompanying connects to read on the web and download Tareekh e Tabari every one of the 7 volumes in Urdu pdf for disconnected perusing.

Tareekh e Tabari Volume 1

Tareekh e Tabari Volume 2

Tareekh e Tabari Volume 3

Tareekh e Tabari Volume 4

Tareekh e Tabari Volume 5

Tareekh e Tabari Volume 6

Tareekh e Tabari Volume 7

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